open choice hartford residents

Open Choice Program for Hartford Residents

Grades PK4-12

The Open Choice Program for Hartford residents gives Hartford students an opportunity to attend high-performing public schools in nearby towns from PK4 through 12th grade. Schools in these districts offer excellent educational opportunities, including full access to challenging academic environments and enriching co-curricular activities like clubs, sports, arts, and community involvement.

How Does Open Choice for Hartford Residents Work?

Learn about the advantages of the Open Choice Program!

Hartford residential zone map

Twenty-six districts participate in the Hartford Region Open Choice Program. Where your family lives determines where your child can apply. The City of Hartford is divided into four residential zones, with specific districts assigned to each.

Open Choice Residential and Zone Map

Open Choice for Hartford Residents Application Tips

Make sure you’re eligible.

Hartford students entering PK4 through 10th grade can apply. Once your child is enrolled in an Open Choice school, they are enrolled through high school graduation as long as they remain a Hartford resident. No need to reapply each year!

Apply to the districts available to your residential zone.

The City of Hartford is divided into four residential zones, with specific districts assigned to each zone. Families living in a specific residential zone may apply to the districts assigned to that zone. Enter your address in the School Directory to determine your residential zone.

Apply to up to 5 districts.

Rank districts in order of preference on your application. You do not have to apply to the maximum number of districts.

Is Open Choice your top choice? Apply only to Open Choice to activate the Open Choice Only Priority.

You do not have to apply to the other program options (magnet schools, CTECS).

Apply only to districts where you would accept an offer.

You can only decline one offer.

In an upper grade level? Consider other programs, too.

As most available seats are at the lower grades, especially PK4, kindergarten, and 1st grade, consider applying to magnet schools and/or CTECS (if applying for 9th grade) to boost your chance of a placement.

Have a placement priority?

Make the district with a priority your first choice for the best chance of a placement.

Applicable placement priorities:

  • Former Resident of District
  • Enrolled Siblings
  • Placed Siblings
  • Open Choice Only
  • Pathway School

Ready to get started?

The RSCO Late Application will Open the week of March 10, 2025.